Junior wrestling competition in Aygestan

Junior wrestling competition in Aygestan

On November 2-3 2019, a youth wrestling competition was organized in the village of Aygestan near the city of Artashat organized by the local wrestling club, in which participated one hundred fifty-eight , fourteen year old freestyle wrestlers from all over the country.

Aware of the success of the young jewelers of Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex, they turned to the founder of the jewelry school our Master Davit Petrosyan, with a proposal. For providing the medals for awarding the winners of the competition.

The project was implemented with middle and high school students who were more familiar with jewelry technology and skills.

From November 2 to 3, at the final stage of youth wrestling compotition in the village of Aygestan, by their own invitation, jawelry students of M. Sebastatsi Educational Complex guaded by Master David  went to the finals and handed over the award to the wrestlers.

About twenty-two bronze, eleven silver and eleven gold medals were made.
The winners of the fight were congratulated by the MSEC and awarded with medals made by their peers.

The medals were made with the materials provided by the wrestling club and the design and praporation work was done as a gift by the jewelry school.