Express lesson or “test” work

Express lesson or “test” work

As a result of today’s express test, in one hour, all of the students from the North created a new jewelry item, its content, and shared their feelings in front of the camera, presenting their thoughts.

As a pedagogue, I can emphasize my success. By creating “extreme” conditions for learners, I was able to discover the following. First of all, let me mention that the experiment was carried out automatically, it was videotaped right in the north, although similar inspections were carried out with other schools. My primary goal is to teach the following. To materialize imaginary objects created by creative processes into physical ones. This experiment was intended for me as a test. Do I meet my requirements? Can I teach crafting skills to the youngest? It turns out yes. The video proves it. Now let me talk about the content of my goal. Why do I want to teach to create, then to be able to bring it to the state of a physical object? Because using jewelry skills as a tool in a game, turning it into a competition, we get results that make us happy for our vision. That is, we see a quick result. It helps me.

Because when that skill becomes the learner’s property, they can use the same skill in any field. Becoming a specialist in any field in the future, my students will be armed with special knowledge that will allow them to apply these abilities and skills to any work object. And as it is known, the most valuable are the professionals, employees who show creative approaches in improving their daily work. Accordingly, the efficiency of work increases, the work becomes interesting, not boring. The results of the work become desirable, expected and appreciated. We learn that right at schoo
