Annual international junior-juvenile sculpture and aesthetics festival

Annual international junior-juvenile sculpture and aesthetics festival


This is the first time such a festival is organized in Armenia. The purpose of this event is:

1) Create a proper platform for self-expression of children, young generation, creative individuals, groups (groups).
2) Having been organized in an annual format from the beginning, it will be continuous and expected, as during the implementation the areas where the art objects created by the creators will be placed will be taken care of in advance and will be regulated. Then care will be taken to make it harmonious and aesthetic of the environment.
3) There is a real opportunity for children and teenagers to increase the geography of contacts, up to the international level, to get acquainted with modern means of self-development, on the threshold of adulthood.
4) Important. The target groups of children and adolescents who have a special need for support and care are selected. Those organizations, which have a direct pedagogical-educational, physical-psychological burden, do not manage to fully provide their contingent with aesthetic food and development.
5) The areas occupied by the organizations, the environment will become more modern and harmonious through the children and teenagers growing up in those places.


Children and teenagers from the following organizations will take part in the festival


Orphanages և Child support centers

  1. “Zatik” EAC SNCO
  2. “Child և Family Support Center” SNCO
  3. “Yerjan երեխաների Children’s Support Center of Ajapnyak Administrative District” SNCO
  4. “Yerjan” Children’s Home “SNCO
  5. “Orphanage after Marie Izmirlian” SNCO
  6. “Kharberd Specialized Orphanage” SNCO
  7. “Gyumri Children’s Home” SNCO
  8. “Syunik Region Children և Family Support Center” Foundation
  9. “Lori Region Child-Family Support Center”
  10. “Gavar Orphanage” SNCO
  11. “Shirak Region Children և Family Support Center” SNCO
  12. “Gyumri City Child Care Center” SNCO

Training of participants

All the organizations on the list will be visited by LDA specialists. To get acquainted with the contingent of organizations, to select the most motivated individuals with unacknowledged artistic potential. The selection process will be carried out during a free question and answer session և drawing, painting, sculpture և master classes, and then on a free experimental topic through work done in those 3 areas. Groups of 3-5 people (groups) will be formed from the selected participants, which will be represented by that organization, will have its own individual master-coach. The master trainer will teach and coordinate the further actions of the team.

About foreign groups of participants. Consultations are being held on the format of hosting and participating in groups of children and teenagers interested in the event from Russia, France, Italy and the United States.

Art objects theme և dimensions

The choice of topic և size is directed in the following direction. Non-figurative, large, approximately (1-3) m 3 volume, mainly multicolored art objects will be implemented. After working with all the target groups, sketches will be created in the form of drawings, paintings, dimensional sculptures. The sketches will be pre-selected and approved by the organizers. Then, with the help of the coaches և with the necessary technical staff,, the team will execute the selected sketch in real size. In order to be more vivid, the art objects placed in the territory of “Zatik” OECD are displayed in Photoshop. The photos of the statues were taken from the open-air platform of the Cafesjian Center for the Arts.

Training of participants

All the organizations on the list will be visited by LDA specialists. To get acquainted with the contingent of organizations, to select the most motivated individuals with unacknowledged artistic potential. The selection process will be carried out during a free question and answer session և drawing, painting, sculpture և master classes, and then on a free experimental topic through work done in those 3 areas. Groups of 3-5 people (groups) will be formed from the selected participants, which will be represented by that organization, will have its own individual master-coach. The master trainer will teach and coordinate the further actions of the team.

About foreign groups of participants. Consultations are being held on the format of hosting and participating in groups of children and teenagers interested in the event from Russia, France, Italy and the United States.

Art objects theme և dimensions

The choice of topic և size is directed in the following direction. Non-figurative, large, approximately (1-3) m 3 volume, mainly multicolored art objects will be implemented. After working with all the target groups, sketches will be created in the form of drawings, paintings, dimensional sculptures. The sketches will be pre-selected and approved by the organizers. Then, with the help of the coaches և with the necessary technical staff,, the team will execute the selected sketch in real size. In order to be more vivid, the art objects placed in the territory of “Zatik” OECD are displayed in Photoshop. The photos of the statues were taken from the open-air platform of the Cafesjian Center for the Arts.

Materials used:

The art objects will be made of 3 types of materials

1) Through steel sheets թ structures
2) from sculptural concrete
3) tuff stone
Sculptures made of all materials will be painted as needed (they will be painted with special paints that are resistant to external influences).

Designated area:

The festival will be held in the area of ​​”Zatik” OECD. There will be a children’s sculpture garden. 8-10 sculptures will be placed in front of the road passing directly in front of “Zatik”, which will be visible to passers-by.

On the expiration of deadlines

The organization of the festival is divided into 3 modules:

1) Preparatory
Visiting organizations ացում Carrying out necessary events: creating ideas from child creators.

The deadline is June 15-30

2) Educational-sports
Working with extruded drugs on the spot. Carrying out blitz master classes in the “Zatik” OIC studios with their individual master trainers 1-2 times a week.

The deadline is June 30-August 3

3) Festival
Implementation of the festival itself

The deadline is August 5-20.

The official opening ceremony of the festival will take place on August 5. The invited persons and organizations will be mentioned in a separate point.

On August 20, the official closing ceremony of the festival will take place, summarizing the results of the festival.
